Your Bike's Best Friend

Download our app and unlock a world of features dedicated to your bike's maintenance and care​.

A smartphone screen displays a cycling app interface, with a cyclist riding a yellow bike at the top. Below are four buttons: "Book a shop visit," "Open a service request," "Go to help center," and "Chat with support." Navigation icons are at the bottom.
A smartphone screen displays a bike tracking app. The screen shows the current speed of 22.8 km/h, battery level at 80%, time of 22 seconds, distance of 220 km, and range of 220 km. A large green "GO" button is at the bottom of the interface.

Key Features

Your Bike Deserves the Best !

Detailed Bike Profiles

Keep track of your bike's journey!
Create a comprehensive profile for your bike, including details like make, model, year, and more. This helps us provide more personalized tips and reminders.

Instant Bike Identification

Say goodbye to the guessing game!
Tap your smartphone on your bike's NFC tag for instant access to your bike's history, specs, and documents, making every ride a delightful journey down memory lane.

Effortless Booking

Effortless and convenient!
Easily schedule appointments with trusted bike shops. Servvus helps streamline the booking process, making it easier to keep your bike in top condition.

Community Connection

Every ride is a shared adventure!
Seamlessly communicate with bike shops and brands, sharing insights, experiences, and valuable information. Keep your bike community informed and ensure your bike gets the care it deserves.

Bike History

Your bike's story is always within reach!
Keep track of past services for your bike. Servvus maintains a log of past services and inspections, helping you stay on top of your bike's health.

Personalized Support Chat

Need help or have questions?
Our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about using the Servvus app or about your bike's maintenance.

A smartphone screen displays details of a bike, including usage time (48h 18m), distance (48 km), and calories burned (999 KCal). Basic details shown are vehicle name, model, brand, Servvus and vehicle IDs, and date created. Below the details are two small images of a bike.

More About Servvus

We’re not just an app; we’re your partner in making every ride, from the quick city commutes to the epic mountain trails, an absolute delight. Welcome to Servvus, where your bike is always the star of the show

Identify Bike Issues

Expert Tips

Share Your
Bike's Journey

Bike Documentation

Get Started with Servvus
Your bike deserves the best, and Servvus is here to deliver just that!

A smartphone screen displays an app with the title "Welcome John" at the top. There are two main sections: one showing a bike labeled "My Bike" with an image of a bicycle and a settings gear icon, and another section showing a plus sign labeled "Add New.
A smartphone screen displays instructions for scanning an NFC tag. An illustration shows a hand holding a phone with the text "Scanning." The message reads, "Move the top of your phone slow and close across the NFC tag." Two buttons labeled "Cancel" and "Retry" are at the bottom.
A bike speedometer app interface on a smartphone displays a speed of 22.8 km/h. Other metrics include 80% battery, 00:22 time, 220 km distance covered, and 220 km range remaining. A large green "GO" button is at the bottom. Settings and brightness icons are also visible.
A yellow smartphone screen shows a scanning interface with concentric circles and a wireless signal symbol at the center. Below the symbol, the text reads "Scanning," and at the bottom, there's a black "Cancel" button.